
Sub­ver­sives: The FBI’s War on Stu­dent Rad­i­cals and Rea­gan’s Rise to Power

Seth Rosen­feld
  • From the Publisher
April 27, 2012
Sub­ver­sives traces the FBI’s secret involve­ment with three icon­ic fig­ures at Berke­ley dur­ing the 1960s: the ambi­tious neo­phyte politi­cian Ronald Rea­gan, the fierce but frag­ile rad­i­cal Mario Savio, and the lib­er­al uni­ver­si­ty pres­i­dent Clark Kerr. Through these con­verg­ing nar­ra­tives, the award-win­ning inves­tiga­tive reporter gives us the dra­mat­ic and sto­ry of how Ronald Rea­gan and J. Edgar Hoover col­lud­ed to sup­press the inspired stu­dent move­ment at Berke­ley in the six­ties – told in full for the first time. Part his­to­ry, part biog­ra­phy, and part police pro­ce­dur­al, Sub­ver­sives reads like a true-crime mys­tery as it pro­vides a fresh look at the lega­cy of the six­ties.


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