
The Anx­i­ety Sis­ters’ Sur­vival Guide: How You Can Become More Hope­ful, Con­nect­ed, and Happy

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

A warm and prac­ti­cal guide to cop­ing with anx­i­ety – and find­ing ways to laugh any­way. Abs and Mags, aka the Anx­i­ety Sis­ters, have spent the past thir­ty years fig­ur­ing out how to out­smart their anx­i­ety-rid­den brains, and the last five years shar­ing what they’ve learned with a grow­ing online com­mu­ni­ty of like-mind­ed suf­fer­ers who are look­ing for ways to cope bet­ter. Whether you’re look­ing to bet­ter under­stand and man­age pan­ic, wor­ry, grief, stress, or pho­bias, or just want to pause the end­less spin cycle in your head, you’ll find real-world, research-based tech­niques, exer­cis­es, and insights‚ with­out the clin­i­cal, con­fus­ing, one-size-fits-all approach that isn’t so help­ful when your mind is rac­ing and you just want to get back to feel­ing nor­mal. This is a hand­book for fight­ing Shrink­ing World Syn­drome – that iso­lat­ing, lone­ly feel­ing that comes from let­ting your anx­i­ety run the show. The sto­ries and sug­ges­tions in this book will remind you that you’re not alone. You don’t have to elim­i­nate anx­i­ety from your life in order to feel okay and, yes, even happy.

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