
The Beau­ty of What Remains: How Our Great­est Fear Becomes Our Great­est Gift

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020
As the senior rab­bi of one of the largest syn­a­gogues in the world, Steve Led­er has learned over and over again the many ways death teach­es us how to live and love more deeply by show­ing us not only what is gone but also the beau­ty of what remains.

This inspir­ing and com­fort­ing book takes us on a jour­ney through the expe­ri­ence of loss that is fun­da­men­tal to every­one. Yet even after hav­ing sat beside thou­sands of deathbeds, Steve Led­er the rab­bi was not ful­ly pre­pared for the loss of his own father. It was only then that Steve Led­er the son tru­ly learned how loss makes life beau­ti­ful by giv­ing it mean­ing and touch­ing us with love that we had not felt before.

Enriched by Rab­bi Led­er’s irrev­er­ence, vul­ner­a­bil­i­ty, and wicked sense of humor, this heart­felt nar­ra­tive is filled with laugh­ter and tears, the wis­dom of mil­len­nia and moder­ni­ty, and, most of all, an unfold­ing of the pro­found and sim­ple truth that in loss we gain more than we ever imagined.

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