
The Big Jew­ish Book for Jews: Every­thing You Need to Know to Be a Real­ly Jew­ish Jew

Ellis Wein­er and Bar­bara Davilman
  • Review
By – October 5, 2011
A droll noble effort by the authors of the wild­ly pop­u­lar Yid­dish with Dick and Jane series and How to Raise a Jew­ish Dog to save con­tem­po­rary Judaism from extinc­tion. Laugh out loud chap­ters include How To Order Can­tonese Food” which includes a bril­liant Can­tonese cor­re­la­tion for every Szechuan or Hunan dish — usu­al­ly won­ton soup or shrimp in lob­ster sauce; How to Write and Speak Like a Rab­bi in 1953”; Intro­duc­tion to Hondling (bar­gain­ing)”; and What Are Those Icky Jew­ish Dish­es?” — for those many Jews that don’t know that a ger­gle is the neck of a chick­en and mun is ground pop­py seed paste. Less suc­cess­ful is a tacked on para­graph about girls hav­ing less com­mon” Bat Mitz­vah (real­ly?) after a sev­er­al page trea­tise on why boys should still have a Bar Mitz­vah, and a dicey attempt to dif­fuse dan­ger­ous anti-Islam sen­ti­ment that iron­i­cal­ly does not come off as par­tic­u­lar­ly enlight­ened. Over­all, how­ev­er, this com­pendi­um hits the bull’s‑eye of Real­ly Funny.
Lau­rie Gwen Shapiro is a direc­tor and pro­duc­er. She is also the author of ALA Notable Book The Unex­pect­ed Sala­mi and The Mat­zo Ball Heiress and oth­er books for adults. She has also writ­ten two books for young adults, most recent­ly for Ran­dom House. Shapiro is also a win­ner of an Inde­pen­dent Spir­it Award for co-direct­ing the IFC doc­u­men­tary Keep the Riv­er on Your Right. She is cur­rent­ly work­ing on YA nov­el The O’Leary Bat Mitz­vah, and pro­duc­ing a doc­u­men­tary about Iggy Pop. Lau​rieG​wen​Shapiro​.com

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