
The Clever Lit­tle Tailor

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2020

In a small Jew­ish town in Poland, at a time when giants still roam the earth yet peo­ple are just the same as they are today, there lives a poor tai­lor. When rob­bers attack coach­men on the road to his town, he vol­un­teers to dri­ve a mer­chan­t’s wag­on and soon finds him­self embark­ing upon a series of adven­tures that will take him far from home. With his keen wit, he solves mys­ter­ies, defeats all types of evil­do­ers and becomes known through­out the land as, The Clever Lit­tle Tailor.”

Deeply root­ed in East­ern-Euro­pean Jew­ish folk­ways and humor, Solomon Simon’s charm­ing nov­el for young read­ers, The Clever Lit­tle Tai­lor, is avail­able for the first time in Eng­lish. This edi­tion presents the orig­i­nal Yid­dish text along­side the Eng­lish trans­la­tion and stun­ning full-col­or illustrations.

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