
The Daugh­ter’s Tale: A Novel

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

New York City, 2015: Elise Duval, eighty years old, receives a phone call from a woman recent­ly arrived from Cuba, bear­ing mes­sages from a time and coun­try that she’s long for­got­ten. A French Catholic who arrived in New York after World War II Elise and her world are for­ev­er changed when the woman arrives with let­ters writ­ten to Elise from her moth­er in Ger­man dur­ing the war, unrav­el­ling more than sev­en decades of secrets. 

Berlin, 1939: Book­store own­er and recent wid­ow Aman­da Stern­berg is flee­ing Nazi Ger­many with her two young daugh­ters, head­ing towards unoc­cu­pied France. She arrives in Haute-Vienne with only one of her girls. Their free­dom is short-lived and soon they are tak­en to a labor camp. Based on true events, The Daughter’s Tale chron­i­cles one of the most har­row­ing atroc­i­ties per­pe­trat­ed by the Nazis dur­ing World War II: the 1944 mas­sacre of all the inhab­i­tants of Oradour-Sur-Glane, a small, idyl­lic vil­lage in the south of France. Heart­break­ing and immer­sive, The Daughter’s Tale is a beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed fam­i­ly saga of love, sur­vival, and hope against all odds

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