
The Hus­band Hour

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

This April, Jamie Bren­ner returns with her most com­pelling nov­el yet, THE HUS­BAND HOUR. Lau­ren Adel­man retreats to her fam­i­ly’s beach house on the Jer­sey Shore fol­low­ing the trag­ic death of her hus­band, Rory Kin­caid. Rory was her high school sweet­heart, and a star hock­ey play­er in the NHL. Their future could not have looked brighter, until Rory shocked every­one – Lau­ren most of all – by enlist­ing in the U.S. Army. When he dies in com­bat, Lau­ren is left dev­as­tat­ed, alone, and under unbear­able pub­lic scruti­ny. Inspired by the true sto­ry of NFL star and mil­i­tary hero Pat Till­man, and echo­ing today’s head­lines about ath­letes and trau­mat­ic brain injury, THE HUS­BAND HOUR is a propul­sive, page-turn­ing nov­el full of dark secrets about fam­i­ly, the lies we tell our­selves to make sense of the past, and the heal­ing pow­er of forgiveness.

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