
The Last Great Sen­ate: Courage and States­man­ship in Times of Crisis

Ira Shapiro
  • From the Publisher
April 27, 2012
Long-time Sen­ate staffer Ira Shapiro describes the achieve­ments of the Last Great Sen­ate of the 1960s and 1970s with a focus on 1976 – 1980. As approval rat­ings of the cur­rent Con­gress are in the sin­gle dig­its, Shapiro looks back to when the Sen­ate worked in a bipar­ti­san fash­ion to the nation’s chal­lenges: for­mu­lat­ing a nation­al ener­gy pol­i­cy, rat­i­fy­ing the Pana­ma Canal treaty, sav­ing New York City and Chrysler Cor­po­ra­tion, and pre­serv­ing Alas­ka lands. Shapiro brings to life the main char­ac­ters on the Senate’s stage — Robert Byrd, Howard Bak­er, Ted Kennedy, Jacob Jav­its, Hen­ry Jack­son, Ted Stevens, Ed Muskie, Richard Lugar, George McGov­ern, Bob Dole, and Rus­sell Long.

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