On a rainy day in December of 1891, Dr. James Naismith was trying to keep his gym class active with a fun indoor game that could also keep up the requisite level of fitness through the long Massachusetts winter. After rejecting several existing sports as badly suited to the indoors or too rough, he nailed a peach basket onto an elevated track and wrote the basic rules of the game we now know as basketball. Dr. Naismith never could have foreseen the skill, popularity, and financial rise of the game he inadvertently created. And of course, with prominence and money come interesting legal dilemmas. Explore more than 20 fascinating cases that have arisen at all levels of the game in The Little Book of Basketball Law, including: The Rights of Season Ticket Holders; What Rights do Professional Basketball Players have in their Names?; Contentious Team Sales; Is the NCAA a State Player?; Who’s responsible when a player gets hurt?; Sexual Harassment in the Front Office; Spectator Injuries. This legal look at one of America’s favorite sports is a fun and unique way to celebrate the game, college, pro, or neighborhood court.

The Little Book of Basketball Law
- From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
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