
The Lost Commandments

  • From the Publisher
April 4, 2018

Fus­ing won­der, mys­tery and self-dis­cov­ery into a mov­ing tale of rev­e­la­tion, The Lost Com­mand­ments sets the stage for unrav­el­ing the mys­tery of how to best live our lives and build rela­tion­ships in our mod­ern chal­leng­ing times. Sam Sil­ver­stein’s fast-past­ed adven­ture is set first at a major uni­ver­si­ty where a his­to­ry teacher is chal­lenged with a ques­tion by an unseen, unknown stu­dent in the back of the lec­ture hall; What would hap­pen if we had lost half of the great teach­ings of our time such as the Torah or Bible?” When an unex­plain­able series of events leads the pro­fes­sor to speak at a world edu­ca­tion con­fer­ence in Jerusalem he befriends an old man, a falafel stand mer­chant, who knows more about the pro­fes­sor and life than would seem pos­si­ble. Join in the jour­ney of belief and trust as the old man leads the pro­fes­sor through the teach­ing of 10 crit­i­cal lost com­mand­ments and empow­ers the pro­fes­sor to share them with the world. Just when the pro­fes­sor has it all fig­ured out every­thing changes in the end.

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