
The Lost Letter

  • From the Publisher
April 26, 2017

Aus­tria, 1938. Kristoff is a young appren­tice to a mas­ter Jew­ish stamp engraver. When his teacher dis­ap­pears dur­ing Kristall­nacht, Kristoff is forced to engrave stamps for the Ger­mans, and simul­ta­ne­ous­ly works along­side Ele­na, his beloved teacher’s fiery daugh­ter, and with the Aus­tri­an resis­tance to send under­ground mes­sages and forge papers. As he falls for Ele­na amidst the bru­tal chaos of war, Kristoff must find a way to save her, and himself.

Los Ange­les, 1989. Katie Nel­son is going through a divorce and while clean­ing out her house and life in the after­math, she comes across the stamp col­lec­tion of her father, who recent­ly went into a nurs­ing home. When an apprais­er, Ben­jamin, dis­cov­ers an unusu­al World War II-era Aus­tri­an stamp placed on an old love let­ter as he goes through her dad’s col­lec­tion, Katie and Ben­jamin are sent on a jour­ney togeth­er that will uncov­er a sto­ry of pas­sion and tragedy span­ning decades and con­ti­nents, behind the just fall­en Berlin Wall.

A roman­tic, poignant and addic­tive nov­el, The Lost Let­ter shows the last­ing pow­er of love.

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