
The Russ­ian Writer’s Daugh­ter: Sto­ries of Grow­ing Up American

  • From the Publisher
April 23, 2012
The Russ­ian Writer’s Daugh­ter: Sto­ries of Grow­ing up Amer­i­can by Lydia S. Ros­ner is a col­lec­tion of 20 live­ly auto­bi­o­graph­i­cal sto­ries of a sec­u­lar Jew­ish child­hood in a Jew­ish social­ist fam­i­ly that also had ties to the non-Jew­ish Russ­ian emi­gre New York social cir­cle. In this rev­e­la­to­ry mem­oir, inter­na­tion­al pol­i­tics shad­ow a child’s grad­ual awak­en­ing to the world around her. At the cen­ter of these mem­o­ries is Lyduce’s father, whose com­plex per­son­al­i­ty mix­es a pas­sion for social jus­tice, intel­lec­tu­al snob­bery, and the desire to pro­tect his fam­i­ly in the sti­fling atmos­phere of the Red Scare.

Although born in the Unit­ed States, the author grew up speak­ing only Russ­ian. Her book reflects her expe­ri­ence of two worlds, and the choice she made to Grow Up Amer­i­can while respect­ing and hon­or­ing the roots from which she rose. As she tells her family’s sto­ry, Ros­ner shows how com­pli­cat­ed auto­bi­og­ra­phy can be, more a mat­ter of pur­su­ing the truth than of assert­ing it. 

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