Richard Zimler (The Last Kabbalist of Lisbon, The Warsaw Anagrams) brings readers another riveting story. This one is set in Berlin in 1932. Hitler and his Nazis are gaining popularity and fourteen-year-old Sophie, a German girl who is sexually precocious and quite mature for her age, is going through adolescent defiance. Her father, a Communist who ‘sees the light’ and becomes a Nazi, and her mother, who just wants a normal life, do not appreciate the fact that she has Jewish friends. When her boyfriend becomes a Nazi, too, Sophie takes action. She spends as much time as possible with her neighbor, Isaac Zarco, a Jewish kabbalist with an interesting circle of bohemian friends. They belong to a resistance group called the Ring. When one member is sent to Dachau, Sophie realizes that there is a traitor in the group. Who could it be? This is a tale with rich elements of mysticism, history, and suspense that will keep readers turning pages. It will appeal to those who enjoy literary fiction, historical novels, and mysteries.

The Seventh Gate
- Review
– June 12, 2012
Barbara M. Bibel is a librarian at the Oakland Public Library in Oakland, CA; and at Congregation Netivot Shalom, Berkeley, CA.
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