
The Siege of Tel Aviv

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Iran leads five Arab armies in a bru­tal vic­to­ry over Israel which ceas­es to exist. With­in hours its lead­ers are round­ed up and mur­dered, the IDF is rout­ed, and the country’s six mil­lion Jews con­cen­trat­ed in Tel Aviv which becomes a starv­ing ghet­to. While the US and the West sit by, the Moslem armies — tak­ing a page from the Nazi play­book — pre­pare to kill off the entire pop­u­la­tion. On the eve of geno­cide, Ghet­to Tel Aviv makes one last attempt to save itself, as an Israeli busi­ness­man, a gang­ster, and a cross-dress­ing fight­er pilot put togeth­er a dar­ing plan to coun­ter­at­tack. Will it suc­ceed? The Siege of Tel Aviv is as bizarrely fun­ny as it is fast-paced. In the words of Stephen King: An irre­press­ible sense of humor runs through it. It’s not satire I’m talk­ing about — it’s stuff like the cross-dress­ing pilot (my favorite char­ac­ter) and any num­ber of deli­cious­ly absurd sit­u­a­tions (the pink jets). It’s the inevitable result of an eye that sees the fun­ny side even in hor­ror. So few writ­ers have that. This nov­el will cause talk and con­tro­ver­sy. Most of all it will be read.”

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