
We Can Make It Happen

Jane Tauben­feld Cohen; Bea Tauben­feld, illus.
  • Review
By – December 19, 2011
This book serves as a won­der­ful trib­ute to David Tauben­feld, a vibrant, giv­ing man who touched so many peo­ple before he fell ill and passed away. His ways of reach­ing out to those who are sick, telling jokes to those that will lis­ten, and being a good friend and lov­ing father cre­ate an emo­tion­al con­nec­tion with the read­er. The sim­ple rep­e­ti­tion of this man’s noble attrib­ut­es makes this sto­ry flow almost poet­i­cal­ly. The mes­sage that the author reveals is so thought­ful and com­pas­sion­ate. It’s a mes­sage of strength and per­se­ver­ance to make things hap­pen” as the main char­ac­ter shares good­will to oth­ers through­out sick­ness, health, and ulti­mate­ly his pass­ing. This sto­ry is writ­ten in sim­ple lan­guage to reach chil­dren and teach the impor­tance of liv­ing a kind life, touch­ing on the sad­ness of death, and show­ing how to car­ry on the mem­o­ry of an inspi­ra­tional per­son. The soft, pas­tel, water­col­or illus­tra­tions are del­i­cate, leav­ing much to the imagination.

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