
White Hot Grief Parade: A Memoir

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Alexan­dra Al” Sil­ber seems to have every­thing: bril­liance, beau­ty, and tal­ent in spades. But when her beloved father dies after a decade-long bat­tle with can­cer when she is just a teenag­er, it feels like the end of every­thing. Lost in grief, Al and her moth­er hard­ly know where to begin with the rest of their lives.

Into this griev­ing house burst Al’s three friends from the­atre camp, deter­mined to help out as only dra­ma stu­dents know how — and they’re mov­ing in for the dura­tion. Over the course of that win­ter, the now five-strong house­hold will do bat­tle with every­thing Death can throw at them: med­dling rel­a­tives, mer­ci­less bureau­cra­cy, soul-sap­ping sad­ness, the end­less Tup­per­ware. They will learn (almost) every­thing about love and will even­tu­al­ly return to the world, altered in dif­fer­ent ways by their time in a home by a river.

Told with raw pas­sion, can­dor, and wit, White Hot Grief Parade is an ode to the restora­tive pow­er of fam­i­ly and friend­ship – and the unbreak­able bond, even in death, between father and daughter.

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