Jew­ish Book Month is upon us, and we know what you’re think­ing, What am I going to read?” We at Matzah Book Soup (a Jew­ish Own Voic­es book club) have you cov­ered! Through­out our first year and a half, we’ve had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to work with some amaz­ing Jew­ish authors and read some incred­i­ble Jew­ish sto­ries. Here are a few of our favorite books with Jew­ish rep that we don’t think you’ll want to miss out on!

For mid­dle grade readers:

Sum­mer of Stolen Secrets by Julie Sternberg

When city girl Cata­ri­na spends a sum­mer in Baton Rouge with her strict Jew­ish grand­moth­er, what secrets will she learn and what mem­o­ries of the past will she dredge up?

The Trou­ble with Good Ideas by Aman­da Panitch

When twelve-year-old Leah finds out that her beloved Zaide is being sent to an assist­ed liv­ing facil­i­ty, she decides to make a golem to look after him.

The Cage by Ruth Min­sky Sender

A mem­oir for young read­ers of a young girl, Riva, sur­viv­ing in Auschwitz

What the Night Sings by Ves­per Stamper

An illus­trat­ed nov­el about a young Jew­ish girl sur­viv­ing the Holo­caust and return­ing to life after­wards. How will she adjust to this new ver­sion of her life?

Rec­om­mend­ed for You by Lau­ra Silverman

Shoshan­na loves work­ing in her local book­shop, but when the store hires Jake, work turns into a com­pe­ti­tion against her new archenemy…until he becomes some­thing more.

For young adult readers:

The Life and Crimes of Hood­ie Rosen by Isaac Blum

Hood­ie Rosen’s fam­i­ly and their small Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty have recent­ly relo­cat­ed to a new town that seems not to want them there. When things spi­ral out of con­trol and an act of vio­lence is com­mit­ted, how will Hood­ie han­dle it?

The Ghosts of Rose Hill by R.M. Romero

A sto­ry in verse about a young bira­cial Jew­ish girl sent to live with her aunt in Prague. Inspired by Jew­ish mythol­o­gy and folk­tales, this is a sto­ry of music, love, and perseverance.

Once More With Chutz­pah by Haley Neil

A debut nov­el about high school seniors and twins Tal­ly and Max who par­tic­i­pate in a trip to Israel as they grap­ple with iden­ti­ty, grief, and sexuality.

See You Yes­ter­day by Rachel Lynn Solomon

Col­lege fresh­man Bar­rett Bloom is excit­ed for her first day of college…until it turns into a dis­as­ter. All she wants is to for­get it ever hap­pened, but when she wakes up the next day she finds out it’s STILL Sep­tem­ber 21st and she’s doomed to live the same day over-and-over-again with Miles, the cute boy from her physics class, who’s been trapped for months.

The City Beau­ti­ful by Aden Polydoros

A his­tor­i­cal fic­tion nov­el based on Jew­ish mythol­o­gy. Set in Chica­go in 1893, Alter Rosen encoun­ters a dyb­buk and must race against the clock to track down a killer before it’s too late.

For adult readers:

Shmutz by Feli­cia Berliner

A con­tem­po­rary sto­ry that fol­lows Rai­zl, a young Hasidic woman who’s try­ing to fight her inex­plic­a­ble addic­tion to porn while she’s search­ing for a suit­able match.

Nobody Will Tell You This But Me by Bess Kalb

A biog­ra­phy of the author’s grand­moth­er told through her voice. Bess saved every voice­mail her grand­moth­er Bob­by ever left her. In this beau­ti­ful sto­ry of love and fam­i­ly, she brings every­thing she knows and loves about her deceased grand­moth­er to the page.

The Inti­ma­cy Exper­i­ment by Rosie Danan

Nao­mi Grant, founder of a sex-pos­i­tive start­up, is asked by young Rab­bi Ethan Cohen to give a sem­i­nar on mod­ern inti­ma­cy at his tem­ple in an effort to bring in a younger crowd, but what they don’t expect is to fall for one another.

Thistle­foot by Gen­naRose Nethercott

A mod­ern fan­tas­ti­cal fairy­tale based in East­ern Euro­pean Jew­ish folk­lore about a house on chick­en legs and a sin­is­ter fig­ure who is out to find and destroy it.

The Matchmaker’s Gift by Lyn­da Cohen Loigman

A gen­er­a­tional sto­ry of love and con­nec­tion steeped in mag­i­cal told in alter­nat­ing per­spec­tives from Sara, a Jew­ish match­mak­er in the 1900’s, and her grand­daugh­ter Abby, a divorce lawyer in the 1990’s.

We hope you’ll check out some of these fab­u­lous Jew­ish books this month, and make sure to check out @matzahbooksoup on Insta­gram to stay up to date with our month­ly picks and Jew­ish book recs!