Below are the answers to Emi­ly Stone’s True/​False Quiz:

1. Jason Big­gs: False. He looks Jew­ish and plays Jew­ish, but is actu­al­ly Italian-American.

2. Lau­ren Bacall: True. Not only is Bet­ty Joan Perske Jew­ish, her par­ents were from Poland and Roma­nia, and her first cousin is Shi­mon Peres, the ninth and cur­rent prez of the State of Israel! Hatik­vah, baby!

3. Ben Affleck: False. Though there were Inter­net rumors that Affleck was Jew­ish, he’s a goy through and through.

4. Lisa Bonet: True. Her moth­er is Jew­ish. Curveball!

5. Julio Igle­sias: True-ish. Though his moth­er is Jew­ish, he pro­claims he is, Jew­ish from the waist up.” Thus we can infer that his Sephardic schmeck­le is still wear­ing the schmat­ta it rode in on!

6. Roseanne Barr: True. This pres­i­den­tial nom­i­nee and domes­tic god­dess” is a Jew­ess through and through.

7. Orlan­do Bloom: False. When he was a child he was under the impres­sion that his aba was Jew­ish nov­el­ist Har­ry Saul Bloom, but then, oop­sy, his mom let the goy out of the bag when she revealed that Orlando’s real dad was some shey­gitz named Col­in Stone.

8. David Arquette: Tru­ish. Court­ney Cox’s famous ex was born on a Bud­dhist com­mune in Vir­gina to a Jew­ish moth­er and a gen­tile father who con­vert­ed to Islam. In fact, the Arquette fam­i­ly cel­e­brat­ed both Passover and Ramadan. Addi­tion­al­ly, Arquet­te’s mater­nal grand­fa­ther was a Holo­caust refugee from Nazi-occu­pied Poland.

9. Ali­cia Sil­ver­stone: True. Her moth­er con­vert­ed to mar­ry none oth­er than Cher Horowitz’s dad­dy Mon­ty Silverstone.

10. Ally Sheedy: True. Her moth­er is Jewish.

11. San­dra Bul­lock: False-ish. Though there was some spec­u­la­tion that her moth­er, Ger­man opera singer Hel­ga Mey­er, was Jew­ish, not to men­tion the fact that Bul­lock her­self hired a mohel to cir­cum­cise her adopt­ed son—wha?—Sandy B. is not Jewish.

12. Eliz­a­beth Berkley: True. Not only is Hollywood’s fave show-goil Jew­ish on both sides, she is also a prac­tic­ing Yid!

13. Aman­da Peet: True. This hot mama’s mama is Jewish

14. Ben Kings­ley: False. Kingsley’s father was Mus­lim and his moth­er was a Brit whose father was pos­si­bly a Jew.

15. Court­ney Love: True. For­get her anti-Semit­ic rav­ings about Jew loan offi­cers” and Jew pri­vate banks,” Love’s mom is sad­ly of the Tribe.

16. Daniel Day Lewis: True. This triple-threat Oscar winner’s mom’s a Jew.

17. Sharon Stone: False. Though she mar­ried two Jews, Michael Green­burg and Phil Bron­stein, she nev­er con­vert­ed. Get with the pro­gram, Ginger!

18. Lea Michelle: False. Though her dad is a Sephardic Jew, her mom is Ital­ian Catholic.

19. Natal­ie Port­man: True. This Jew­ish-iden­ti­fied Oscar win­ner is also open­ly pro-Israel.

20. Jake Gyl­len­haal: True. Not only does Jacob Ben­jamin iden­ti­fy him­self as, more Jew­ish than any­thing else,” he also had his bar mitz­vah par­ty at a home­less shel­ter; his par­ents want­ed to remind him how lucky he was to have a priv­i­leged upbring­ing. Mean­time, sis Mag­gie got to have her bat at the Four Seasons.

21. Helen Hunt: False. Her pater­nal grand­moth­er hails from a Ger­man Jew­ish fam­i­ly, but Ms. Hunt is not Mad about Jew.

22. Jen­nifer Con­nel­ly: True. This cere­bral and gen­er­ous uber-talent’s moth­er is Jew­ish. She also went to high school with the author.

23. Har­ri­son Ford: True. His mater­nal grand­moth­er is Jew­ish! Best news ever! Han Solo is Jewish!

24. Mimi Rogers: False. This look­er was born Miri­am Spick­ler, the daugh­ter of a gen­tile moth­er and a Jew­ish father who became a Sci­en­tol­o­gist. Mimi fol­lowed in his foot­steps and infa­mous­ly intro­duced her then-hus­band Tom Cruise to the Church of Scientology.

25. Sel­ma Blair: True. This Legal­ly Blonde star had a Jew­ish upbring­ing, and a Hebrew name to boot: Batsheva.

26. Seth Rogen: True. This schlepper’s par­ents met on a kibbutz!

27. Goldie Hawn: True. Hawn’s a prac­tic­ing Bu-Jew and an avid sup­port­er of Israel.

28. Andrew Dice Clay: True. Andy Clay’s par­ents are Doris and Fred Silverstein.

29. Whoopi Gold­berg: False. Even though Whoopi’s bubbe is named Rachel Freed­man, she wasn’t Jew­ish. Nei­ther is Whoopi’s mom.

30. Lena Dun­ham: True. Don’t be fooled by the WASPy name. The writer, direc­tor and star of HBO’s girls is a shay­na maidel.

31. Hen­ry Win­kler: True. Arthur Fon­zarel­li is clear­ly Jew­ish. He’s also a stat­ue in Milwaukee.

32. Judd Apa­tow: True. Apatow’s a triple threat, writer, direc­tor and JEW!

33. Tori Spelling: True. All the nose jobs in the world can’t hide the fact that Don­na Martin’s a Jew! Plus her dad is the undis­put­ed king of schlock TV and what’s more Jew­ish than that?

34. Made­line Kahn: True. Mel Brooks’ muse was nom­i­nat­ed for a Acad­e­my Award for her por­tray­al of Lili Von Shtupp the Teu­ton­ic Titwil­low” in Blaz­ing Sad­dles.

35. Steve Carell:False. This big nosed fun­ny man’s not remote­ly Jewish.

36. Paul Rudd: True. This cute, snug­gly fun­ny man’s a Jew.

37. Jon Hamm: False. Hamm ain’t kosher.

38. Mark Wahlberg: False. Some­how this Irish boy’s name ends in berg, but Marky-Mark and his funky bunch — thank you, Calvin Klein — are not Jewish.