Post­ed by Nao­mi Firestone-Teeter

Gosh, it nev­er ends. But, bad weath­er = more time to read, so we’re not com­plain­ing too much! On the book award front – Cyn­thia Ozick and David Gross­man will both be attend­ing the Nation­al Jew­ish Book Awards on March 9th, so come on out to see them. The cer­e­mo­ny begins at 8:00PM at the Cen­ter for Jew­ish His­to­ry, and space is lim­it­ed! In oth­er news, spring books are flow­ing into our office and authors are about to begin to reg­is­ter for our 2011 – 2012 NET­WORK tours, so we’ll have a lot of new books to share with you…bloggers to blog…and books to review.

Today’s lit picks from the desk:

The Ora­cle of Stam­boul: A Nov­el, Michael David Lukas (Feb­ru­ary 2011, Harp­er)
Michael will be blog­ging for us the week of Feb­ru­ary 14th, so be on the look out…

Mr. Fun­ny Pants, Michael Showal­ter (Feb­ru­ary 2011, Grand Cen­tral) Writer of one of the great­est movies of all time, Wet Hot Amer­i­can Sum­mer.

Heart of the City: Nine Sto­ries of Love and Serendip­i­ty on the Streets of New York, Ariel Sabar (Feb­ru­ary, 2011)
Ariel’s first book, My Father’s Par­adise: A Son’s Search for His Jew­ish Past in Kur­dish Iraq, is a favorite of the JBC team

Mod­ern Jew­ish Lit­er­a­tures: Inter­sec­tions and Bound­aries , Sheila E. Jelen, Michael P. Kramer, and L. Scott Lern­er (Decem­ber 2010, Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia Press)
Read an excerpt here.

Saul Auster­litz is the author of four pre­vi­ous books, includ­ing Just a Shot Away and Sit­com. His work has been pub­lished by The Boston Globe, The New York Times Mag­a­zine, Esquire, Rolling Stone, Slate, and the Los Ange­les Times. He is a grad­u­ate of Yale and NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and is an adjunct pro­fes­sor of writ­ing and com­e­dy his­to­ry at NYU.