Ear­li­er this week Ken Krim­stein wrote about becom­ing a Jew­ish car­toon­istpro­mot­ing his book, and Jew­ish gag car­toon­ists. He is the author of Kvetch As Kvetch Can: Jew­ish Car­toons. He has been blog­ging all week for Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and MyJew­ish­Learn­ings author blog­ging series

Ken Krim­steins new book, Kvetch As Kvetch Can: Jew­ish Car­toons, is now available.

In Min­neapo­lis? Lucky you. You get to see Ken Krim­stein LIVE at the 2011 Jew­ish Humor Fes­ti­val at the Sabes JCC on Jan­u­ary 16th! He’ll be per­form­ing the show’ ver­sion of Kvetch As Kvetch Can: Jew­ish Car­toons. Buy your tick­ets here.

Ken Krim­stein has pub­lished car­toons in The New York­er and The Wall Street Jour­nal. He is the author of The Three Escapes of Han­nah Arendt (which won the Bernard J. Brom­mel Award and was a final­ist for the Jew­ish Book Award) and When I Grow Up (named a Best Book of the Year by NPR). He lives in Evanston, Illinois.