On Tues­day, Marc Tra­cy wrote about Jews in sports and Hol­ly­wood. He will be blog­ging here all week for Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and MyJew­ish­Learn­ing.

In the movie Air­plane, a pas­sen­ger asks for some light” read­ing and is offered this leaflet, Famous Jew­ish Sports Leg­ends.’ ” But actu­al­ly, we have 50 essays and could have eas­i­ly assigned that many more. (Well, maybe not eas­i­ly, but they’re out there.) How well do you know Jew­ish Jocks? Below is a list of ten of them, none of whom made it into our vol­ume, along with brief descrip­tions of who they were and are. Can you match the names and the descrip­tions? Let this quiz serve as proof that there is more than a leaflet to this subject.

1. Amy Alcott
2. Ryan Braun
3. Rod Carew
4. Sid Gilman
5. Fred Lebow
6. Red Klotz
7. Lip Pike
8. Steve Sabol
9. Abe Saper­stein
10. Dara Torres

a. As head coach of the San Diego Charg­ers, devel­oped a pass-heavy offense that serves as the tem­plate for con­tem­po­rary foot­bal­l’s down­field attack.
b. Win­ner of five golf majors.
c. The impre­sario behind the Harlem Glo­be­trot­ters, from its begin­nings as a team that gen­uine­ly played to com­pete to the lov­able bunch of pranksters you know today.
d. The only non-Jew on this list.
e. A 12-time Olympic gold-medal­ist swim­mer.
f. Long­time head of NFL Films, whose grid­iron doc­u­men­taries shaped the mytho­log­i­cal lens through which many see pro­fes­sion­al foot­ball.
g. The first pro­fes­sion­al base­ball play­er — that is, the first per­son who was ever com­pen­sat­ed for ser­vices ren­dered on the dia­mond.
h. To this day, the coach of the Wash­ing­ton Gen­er­als, the bas­ket­ball team that rit­u­al­is­ti­cal­ly gets defeat­ed by the Harlem Glo­be­trot­ters.
i. Founder of the New York City Marathon.
j. Last sea­son’s Nation­al League Most Valu­able Player.

Answers can be found here. No Googling!

Marc Tra­cy is the co-edi­tor of the new book Jew­ish Jocks: An Unortho­dox Hall of Fame. He is a staff writer at The New Repub­lic. Pre­vi­ous­ly, he was a staff writer at Tablet, where his blog, The Scroll, won the 2011 Nation­al Mag­a­zine Award.