After a hot week like this one, you’ll wan­na dive right into the pool on the cov­er of this week’s pick, Pet­ty Busi­ness.

Pet­ty Busi­ness, by Yir­mi Pinkus and trans­lat­ed by Evan Fal­l­en­berg and Yardenne Greenspan, is a trag­ic-com­ic nov­el about a large, dys­func­tion­al, well-to-do fam­i­ly in ear­ly nineties Tel Aviv. While the cov­er is entic­ing us to dive in right away, you’ll have to wait to Novem­ber to dig in fur­ther (Novem­ber 15th to be exact). We’ll be ready for anoth­er dose of sum­mer-themed cov­ers by then, surely. 

Gab­by was an intern at the Jew­ish Book Coun­cil and is cur­rent­ly a senior at Binghamton.