
Ben­ny’s Mitz­vah Notes

Marc Lumer
  • Review
By – February 13, 2014

Ben­ny’s Mitz­vah Notes is a bright­ly illus­trat­ed, lam­i­nat­ed pic­ture book about the many ben­e­fits of doing mitzvos. Young Ben­ny is learn­ing about these good deeds and his par- ents rein­force the lessons by writ­ing mitz­vah notes detail­ing all the good things Ben­ny does in the course of his day. His teacher rein­forces the les­son fur­ther by hang­ing the notes up on the wall. The text and illus­tra­tions are clear and appeal­ing and eas­i­ly under­stood by the young tar­get audi­ence. The author/​illustrator beau­ti­ful­ly com­mu­ni­cates the impor­tance of doing mitzvos through­out one’s life and young chil­dren are treat­ed to an increased appre­ci­a­tion for Judaism. Ben­ny’s Mitz­vah Notes is both edu­ca­tion­al and fun. Rec­om­mend­ed for chil­dren ages 3 – 7.

Nathan Weissler is a 2021 col­lege grad­u­ate from Mary­land, and has been review­ing for Jew­ish Book Coun­cil for over ten years.

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