
Cause for Change: The Why and How of Non­prof­it Mil­len­ni­al Engagement

Kari Dunn Sara­tovsky and Der­rick Feldmann
  • From the Publisher
March 4, 2013
Writ­ten by Mil­len­ni­als about Mil­len­ni­als, Cause for Change exam­ines strate­gies for engag­ing Mil­len­ni­als as con­stituents, vol­un­teers, and donors, and focus­es on how orga­ni­za­tions can realign them­selves to bet­ter respond to this group of 80 mil­lion strong. At the heart of this research-based guide is the Mil­len­ni­al Devel­op­ment Plat­form, an action-based rubric devel­oped by the authors and includ­ed in each chap­ter to help orga­ni­za­tions cre­ate the infra­struc­ture for a long-term mil­len­ni­al engage­ment strategy.

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