
Dan­ny’s Mom

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013
A bul­ly primed for attack. A homo­pho­bic com­mu­ni­ty. A school about to explode. You think only stu­dents have to deal with bul­ly­ing and back­stab­bing in high school? Think again. Wolf’s hero­ine, a guid­ance coun­selor, fights back.” (The Den­ver Post) Fri­day Night Lights meets Ordi­nary Peo­ple when Beth Maller returns to her job in Mead­ow Brook High School short­ly after an unspeak­able tragedy. Rail­ing against the every­day injus­tices she had over­looked until her world cracked open, Beth stirs up the moral bat­tles being waged in the school, where admin­is­tra­tors cling to don’t-rock-the-boat poli­cies and mean girls prac­tice bul­ly­ing as if it were a sport. As Beth strug­gles to find her new nor­mal,” she learns to speak out, risk­ing her career and her mar­riage, the very life she’s embraced. Review­ers say, Wolf writes with insight and author­i­ty about an issue that soci­ety can­not afford to ignore” and call Dan­ny’s Mom a must-read” for every­one who cares about edu­ca­tion. It is espe­cial­ly com­pelling for the Peo­ple of the Book” and those who are com­mit­ted to social justice. 

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