
Ida, Always

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

A beau­ti­ful, hon­est por­trait of loss and deep friend­ship told through the sto­ry of two icon­ic polar bears.

Gus lives in a big park in the mid­dle of an even big­ger city, and he spends his days with Ida, who always there with him.

Then, one sad day, Gus learns that Ida is very sick, and she isn’t going to get bet­ter. The friends help each oth­er face the dif­fi­cult news with whis­pers, snif­fles, cud­dles, and even laughs. Slow­ly Gus real­izes that even after Ida is gone, she will still be with him through the sounds of their city and the mem­o­ries that live in their favorite spots.

Ida, Always is an exquis­ite­ly told sto­ry inspired by a real bear friend­ship, a gen­tle, mov­ing, need­ed reminder that loved ones lost will stay in our hearts, always.

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