
Into the Unbound­ed Night

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019

Into the Unbound­ed Night fol­lows the lives of five trou­bled indi­vid­u­als as they strug­gle for sur­vival and pur­pose in the first-cen­tu­ry Roman Empire, a time when rab­binic Judaism is emerg­ing from the shad­ows of Jerusalem’s Sec­ond Tem­ple and Chris­tian­i­ty is tak­ing form. The sto­ry is pri­mar­i­ly seen through the eyes of Ais­lin, a refugee from Albion. Oth­er impor­tant char­ac­ters include Yohanan ben Zakkai, Saul of Tar­sus, The Emper­or Ves­pasian, and Azazel, a doomed angel. Through­out Into the Unbound­ed Night, these char­ac­ters’ lives inter­twine in unex­pect­ed ways that shed light on col­o­niza­tion and its dis­con­tents, the rel­a­tive val­ues of dom­i­nant and tyr­an­nized cul­tures, the sense of immi­nent apoc­a­lypse, and the holi­ness of life itself — even the weak­est of lives.

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