Visu­al Arts

Jew­ish Moth­ers: Strength, Wis­dom, Compassion

Lloyd Wolf and Paula Wolf­son; Anne Roiphe, fwd.
  • From the Publisher
April 25, 2012
In this cel­e­bra­tion of Jew­ish women and moth­er­hood, stun­ning black and white duo­tones are paired with inti­mate pro­files that evoke the lives of fifty Jew­ish moth­ers. Each extra­or­di­nary woman fea­tured in this col­lec­tion shares her pow­er­ful insights into the mean­ing of fam­i­ly, Judaism, love, and com­mu­ni­ty with rec­ol­lec­tions and obser­va­tions of Jew­ish life in Amer­i­ca. From rab­bis and schol­ars to activists and artists, these frank and pow­er­ful women dis­cuss their views on how to raise a Jew­ish child in today’s world and how they have come to under­stand their own moth­ers. A beau­ti­ful and inspir­ing com­mem­o­ra­tion of Jew­ish moth­er­hood, Jew­ish Moth­ers is the per­fect gift for any moth­er, grand­moth­er, or mother-to-be.

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