Visu­al Arts


  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

With beau­ti­ful, rich Jew­ish-themed pho­tographs with sim­ple, easy-to-read cap­tions in big print, designed to stim­u­late mem­o­ries in Jew­ish patients suf­fer­ing with Alzheimer’s dis­ease and oth­er forms of demen­tia, each page of L’Chaim!: Pic­tures to Evoke Mem­o­ries of Jew­ish Life stands on its own, requir­ing no mem­o­ry in order to con­tem­plate and enjoy each indi­vid­ual selec­tion. The book is intend­ed to pro­vide an activ­i­ty for care­givers and health aides to share with our loved ones with mem­o­ry loss, to pro­voke con­ver­sa­tion, rem­i­nis­cence and ten­der moments of joy and con­nec­tion. L’Chaim! is the sec­ond in a series specif­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed for aging Jew­ish patients. It is among the very few works tar­get­ed direct­ly for actu­al demen­tia patients them­selves rather than at their caregivers.

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