
Learn­ing to Read Tal­mud: What It Looks Like and How It Happens

Jane L. Kanarek and Mar­jorie Lehman, eds.
  • From the Publisher
December 21, 2017
Learn­ing to Read Tal­mud is the first book-length study of how teach­ers teach and how stu­dents learn to read Tal­mud. Through a series of stud­ies con­duct­ed by schol­ars of Tal­mud in class­rooms that range from sem­i­nar­ies to sec­u­lar uni­ver­si­ties and with stu­dents from novice to advanced, this book elu­ci­dates a broad range of ideas about what it means to learn to read Tal­mud and tools for how to achieve that goal. Bridg­ing the study of Tal­mud and the study of ped­a­gogy, this book is an essen­tial resource for schol­ars, cur­ricu­lum writ­ers, and class­room teach­ers of Talmud. 

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