
Let It Be Morning

Sayed Kashua
  • Review
By – June 25, 2012
Israeli-Arabs are a group whose very def­i­n­i­tion and exis­tence reflect the chang­ing con­cerns and pri­or­i­ties of the state of Israel. Shap­ing their dai­ly lives are the road­block (now fence) with its guards and Arab work­ers, their Israeli employ­ers, and their fam­i­lies liv­ing on either side. This nov­el, writ­ten by an Israeli-Arab colum­nist for Ha’aretz, spins the sto­ry of a young fam­i­ly man whose life alter­nates between fran­tic deci­sions and las­si­tude.

Pre­oc­cu­pied with obtain­ing food and water, he flits between rebel­lion at his web of parental/in-law rela­tion­ships, the vicis­si­tudes of polit­i­cal deci­sions, threat­en­ing shows of mil­i­tarism, the pry­ing of his neigh­bors, their aber­rant and often destruc­tive behav­ior, and the dai­ly uncer­tain­ties of the par­tial­ly employed. 

It is easy to find despair rather than imme­di­ate hope here; nev­er­the­less the author’s skill and gen­tle­ness leave us with pen­sive rays of optimism.
Arlene B. Soifer earned degrees in Eng­lish, and has had many years of expe­ri­ence as a free­lance writer, edi­tor, and pub­lic rela­tions professional.

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