
My Jesus Year: A Rab­bi’s Son Wan­ders the Bible Belt in Search of His Own Faith

Benyamin Cohen
  • Review
By – November 14, 2011
Author Benyamin Cohen comes from a self­pro­claimed clan of rab­binic rock stars” that is com­prised of a rab­bi father and five sib­lings, all of whom are either rab­bis, mar­ried to rab­bis, or in Jew­ish edu­ca­tion. So, the fact that Cohen decid­ed to spend a year doing all things Chris­t­ian (so long as they didn’t break any Jew­ish law) was slight­ly con­tro­ver­sial in his Ortho­dox com­mu­ni­ty. That is to say, he didn’t feel com­fort­able embark­ing on his Jesus Jour­ney until he had the bless­ing of a respect­ed rab­bi. With a rabbi’s bless­ing secured, Cohen was free to gal­li­vant through Bible Belt church­es every Sun­day morn­ing, attend an Atlanta Braves’ Faith Day, wit­ness Pas­tor T.D. Jakes at Megafest, go to a Chris­t­ian rock fes­ti­val, par­take in Catholic con­fes­sion, be present at East­er ser­vices in the Geor­gia Dome, spend a day with monks, anoth­er day with Mor­mon mis­sion­ar­ies, and have his face on the Jum­boTron at a megachurch.

With the curios­i­ty of a tod­dler Benyamin Cohen sam­pled most every­thing Chris­tian­i­ty has to offer, and came back to his home base of Judaism with a renewed zest for the reli­gion of his ances­tors. His expe­di­tion was root­ed in Judaism but exudes a uni­ver­sal desire for under­stand­ing and spir­i­tu­al­i­ty. Cohen’s prose is insight­ful, filled with wit, warmth, and wonder.
Ethan A. Zim­man is a Pro­pos­al Writer for an IT Gov­ern­ment Con­trac­tor by day and free­lance writer by night in Arling­ton, VA.

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