
My Oceanog­ra­phy: Poems

  • From the Publisher
January 1, 2013

Jew­ish-Amer­i­can sculp­tor Eva Hesse is the sub­ject of this third book of poet­ry by prize win­ning poet and nov­el­ist Har­ri­et Levin. These poems bring Hesse to life at a par­tic­u­lar point in Hesse’s life — her ear­ly mar­riage to a more suc­cess­ful artist, which end­ed in divorce. The book explores ques­tions such as, who has the right to make art? and whose art gets recognition? 

Hesse escaped Nazi Ger­many on the kinder­trans­port at the age of five. She faced sex­ism in the 1960’s male dom­i­nat­ed art world. She died from brain can­cer at age 34 at the height of her career, pur­port­ed­ly from inhal­ing the plas­tic poly­mers she used to make her art. Blend­ing poet­ry with mem­oir, these poems forge a lit­er­ary bond between two Jew­ish artists con­fronting the artis­tic process, mar­riage, and trau­mat­ic loss.

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