
Oy Oy Oy Gevalt!

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

Step inside a fas­ci­nat­ing world of Jews who relate to their Jew­ish­ness through the vehi­cle of punk — from promi­nent fig­ures in the his­to­ry of punk to musi­cians who proud­ly put their Jew­ish iden­ti­ty front and center.

Why did punk — a sub­cul­ture and music style char­ac­ter­ized by a rejec­tion of estab­lished norms — appeal to Jews? How did Jews who were gen­uine­ly strug­gling with their Jew­ish iden­ti­ty find ways to express it through punk rock? Oy Oy Oy Gevalt!: Jews and Punk explores the cul­tur­al con­nec­tions between Jews and punk in music and beyond, doc­u­ment­ing how Jews were involved in the punk move­ment in its ori­gins in the 1970s through the present day.

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