
Par­ent­ing with San­i­ty & Joy: 101 Sim­ple Strategies

September 1, 2020

In this col­lec­tion of read­i­ly action­able tips, par­ent­ing men­tor Sue Groner dis­tills the best par­ent­ing wis­dom into one easy-to-read book, pro­vid­ing sim­ple, fun, and effec­tive guid­ance. Par­ent­ing with San­i­ty and Joy will help par­ents feel more con­fi­dent as they nav­i­gate one of the most impor­tant roles they will ever take on. Geared pri­mar­i­ly for par­ents with kids aged 2 – 18, top­ics include Par­ent­ing Gold­en Rules, Fam­i­ly Time, Rules and Respect, Per­spec­tive and Judge­ment, Atti­tude and Grat­i­tude, Food and Din­ing, Life Skills, and For­bid­den Phrases.

Discussion Questions

Cour­tesy of Susan Groner

  1. Why do you think it’s impor­tant, yet so hard, to allow your chil­dren to strug­gle or make mis­takes when you know that you can step in to pre­vent or fix?

  2. Tip #38 is Your child is not a mini-me.” In what ways do you see this with your own chil­dren? In what ways have you tried to encour­age your child(ren) to be like you?

  3. Of all the for­bid­den phras­es” in Chap­ter 7, which one sur­prised you the most? Which one do you most want to stop saying?

  4. When have you felt judged by oth­er par­ents? Have you ever been judgy? How do you feel about that? Has your per­spec­tive changed?

  5. Most of us agree that actions speak loud­er than words. In what ways to you mod­el grat­i­tude as a way of inspir­ing your children?

  6. What do you remem­ber about you and your inter­ac­tions with your par­ents when you were your child’s cur­rent age? As a par­ent, how do you want to han­dle things the same? differently?

  7. Share some ques­tions with each oth­er that can make for fun and inter­est­ing fam­i­ly meal conversations.

  8. What is your favorite tip in the book? Why does it res­onate with you?