
Pass­port to Death

  • From the Publisher
October 1, 2019

Dotan Naor, an Israeli pri­vate inves­ti­ga­tor, oust­ed from Shin Bet — Israel’s inter­nal secu­ri­ty ser­vice — goes to Thai­land to find Sigal Bar­don, a beau­ti­ful young girl from a wealthy Israeli fam­i­ly. Sigal has dis­ap­peared in Bangkok — completely.

Dotan has con­nec­tions in Thai­land and he’s famil­iar with Bangkok’s dark side — the nar­row alleys with bars and hook­ers, trench­es of stag­nant water, hotel rooms with illic­it activ­i­ty. This is where he intends to start his search. But when the pass­port of the miss­ing Israeli girl ends up in his hands dur­ing his first taxi ride in the city, he’s sus­pi­cious that some­one is play­ing him. But who? And why?

As Dotan search­es for Sigal, police cor­rup­tion blocks his every path while he delves deep­er. Every lead he pur­sues draws him clos­er and clos­er to a black hole in his own” past — one inter­twined with his pur­suit of Sigal — one that leads him to Reuven — and the haunt­ing fail­ure that led to the dis­missal of both of them from Shin Bet. The wound between Dotan and Reuven is raw and deep, but Dotan real­izes it must be healed in order to save Sigal.

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