

  • From the Publisher
April 27, 2012
Noth­ing is more impor­tant to Rupert J. Wil­lows than the image he has built to hide the deep secret of his true iden­ti­ty. A mas­ter manip­u­la­tor, the ruth­less and charis­mat­ic Rupert schemes his way into the upper class when he pur­chas­es the opu­lent man­sion, Raven­scraig Hall. It is the turn of the 20th cen­tu­ry in one of the fastest grow­ing cities in North Amer­i­ca. True pow­er is with­in Rupert’s grasp as long as his secret stays buried. Mal­ka Zig­man is a sur­vivor. Orphaned in Lon­don, she leaves Eng­land to join her Uncle Zev and his hard­work­ing fam­i­ly in Cana­da. Recent Jew­ish immi­grants who escaped from pover­ty and vio­lence in czarist Rus­sia, the Zig­mans strug­gle to put down roots in the slums of North End Win­nipeg. With fam­i­ly resources stretched thin, Mal­ka takes a risk. Every­thing is about to change as she rein­vents her­self as Maisie Rosedale and cross­es over to the exclu­sive world of the Eng­lish as the new maid at Raven­scraig. Pitch­ing rich against poor in a brawl­ing, rau­cous, fron­tier boom-town with a taste for fine the­atre and loose women, Raven­scraig cli­max­es on the Titanic.

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