
Take My Spouse, Please: How to Keep Your Mar­riage Hap­py, Healthy, and Thriv­ing by Fol­low­ing the Rules of Comedy

  • From the Publisher
May 19, 2015

In love as in com­e­dy, tim­ing is every­thing. One bad night doesn’t mean it’s time to quit. Have patience: great mar­riages, like a career as a come­di­an, take time. With her trade­mark humor and sharp yet rev­er­ent tone, writer and come­di­an Dani Klein Modis­ett shares a map for nav­i­gat­ing your mar­riage through rough patch­es, bad jokes, and even nights when you bomb. Dani has inter­viewed dozens of well-known come­di­ans, com­ic writ­ers, and mar­riage coun­selors to deliv­er unique mar­riage mate­r­i­al.” The wis­dom gleaned from these devo­tees of both com­e­dy and mar­riage illu­mi­nates the core premise in every rela­tion­ship: Humor mat­ters. Take My Spouse, Please art­ful­ly shows how the axioms of com­e­dy are, not coin­ci­den­tal­ly, also the axioms of a thriv­ing life as a par­ty of two. The cel­e­bra­tion of love and humor — from gut-bust­ing celebri­ty inter­views to earnest advice — is the heart and soul of Take My Spouse, Please.

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