
The Art Forger

  • From the Publisher
May 13, 2013

In the ear­ly morn­ing of March 18, 1990, two thieves dis­guised as Boston police offi­cers entered the Isabel­la Stew­art Gard­ner Muse­um and made off with thir­teen pieces of art today worth over $500 mil­lion. It remains the largest unsolved art heist in his­to­ry. This crime is the inspi­ra­tion for B.A. Shapiro’s exhil­a­rat­ing best­selling nov­el The Art Forg­er as read­ers fol­low Claire Roth, a strug­gling young artist with her own scan­dalous past, is about to dis­cov­er that that there’s more to this crime than meets the eye.

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