
The Big Dream

  • From the Publisher
September 3, 2013
At Dream Inc., a lifestyle mag­a­zine pub­lish­er, peo­ple are strug­gling not only to do their jobs — or even to keep them — but to fall in love and stay that way, to have friends, to be good par­ents and good chil­dren, to eat lunch and answer the phone and be hap­py. Which can be pret­ty inter­est­ing … even on com­pa­ny time.

In The Big Dream, acclaimed short sto­ry writer Rebec­ca Rosen­blum offers a suite of linked sto­ries explor­ing the work­ing world in all its dark and humor­ous com­plex­i­ty, cre­at­ing an In Our Time for our time.Rebecca Rosen­blum’s debut col­lec­tion Once drew com­par­i­son to Alice Munro’s Dance of the Hap­py Shades” (Quill & Quire). She works in pub­lish­ing in Toron­to, Ontario.

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