
The Grat­i­tude Diaries: How a Year Look­ing on the Bright Side Can Trans­form Your Life

  • From the Publisher
February 10, 2016

Grat­i­tude is a very Jew­ish con­cept. When we say a bless­ing over bread, it rais­es the moment from the ordi­nary to the extra­or­di­nary. It makes us appre­ci­ate the spe­cial­ness of what we have. The many bless­ings Jews say every day are expres­sions of grat­i­tude.

A mix of seri­ous research study, per­son­al mem­oir, and pre­scrip­tive advice, The Grat­i­tude Diaries is a smart and wit­ty jour­ney to dis­cov­er how grat­i­tude can trans­form every aspect of life: mar­riage and friend­ship, mon­ey and ambi­tion, and health and fitness.

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