
The Haz­ards Of Good Fortune

  • From the Publisher
March 29, 2018

Harold Jay” Glad­stone. Bil­lion­aire head of a pow­er­ful New York Jew­ish real estate fam­i­ly, own­er of an NBA bas­ket­ball fran­chise, pub­lic fig­ure, ADL Man of the Year, by all mea­sures a pil­lar of the com­mu­ni­ty. Some­one who con­sid­ers him­self a decent man because, essen­tial­ly, he is one. And then two shock­ing events – a police shoot­ing of a men­tal­ly ill black man at a White Plains hous­ing project and a rage-fueled inci­dent involv­ing one of Glad­stone’s super-star play­ers – set into motion a chain of events that will break this man’s life wide open and chal­lenge every com­fort­able notion he’s ever held about him­self. The nov­el offers a bit­ing­ly fun­ny, unset­tling sto­ry of a proud man’s fall from grace and an indeli­ble por­trait of our times.

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