
The Inven­tor’s Dilemma

  • From the Publisher
May 3, 2016

H. Joseph Ger­ber, a Jew­ish refugee, was wide­ly con­sid­ered to be one of the great­est Amer­i­can inven­tors, tech­nol­o­gists, and busi­ness­men of the twen­ti­eth century€a Thomas Edi­son” of Amer­i­can man­u­fac­tur­ing.

The Inventor€s Dilem­ma: The Remark­able Life of H. Joseph Ger­ber is the defin­i­tive biog­ra­phy of a man who trans­formed mod­ern man­u­fac­tur­ing and the prod­ucts that fill our every­day lives: clothes, cars, eye­glass­es, elec­tron­ics, signs and print­ing, and more.

Writ­ten by his son David, the book inti­mate­ly chron­i­cles not only Ger­ber’s pro­fes­sion­al life, but also his remark­able per­son­al jour­ney as a Holo­caust sur­vivor, a pen­ni­less boy who became an emi­nent inven­tor. He then used his suc­cess in Amer­i­ca to assist a young Israel rise to tech­no­log­i­cal promi­nence, while also com­ing to terms with the impact of his boy­hood expe­ri­ences under Nazi rule and his Jew­ish identity.

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