This Mussar-based commentary is a vital resource for Torah study, offering a thoughtful analysis of each of the 54 weekly parashot. Each essay in this anthology brings a parashah into juxtaposition with one of the Mussar middot (character traits in Jewish ethics), providing an applied lens of Mussar teachings that helps us to delve deeper into our tradition with increased mindfulness and intention.

The Mussar Torah Commentary: A Spiritual Path to Living a Meaningful and Ethical Life
Discussion Questions
The Torah can seem foreign or irrelevant to our daily lives, coming off more as a history book or a collection of stories, but in fact it is an active lesson book on how we should carry out our days.
Rabbi Barry H. Block’s The Mussar Torah Commentary, subtitled A Spiritual Path to Living a Meaningful and Ethical Life,is a lovely collection of essays bringing us these active daily lessons, and discussing moral conduct and other principles that can be derived from each week’s Torah portions. It brings character-building into the entire year, not just during the Omer counting period between Passover and Shavuot or summer months.
Each chapter is tackled by a different Torah scholar, bringing fresh perspectives and commentary to the week’s portion. Practical takeaways are distilled. Each chapter usually ends with an introspective prompt to inner growth, bringing an element of customization to the reader’s Torah study. Questions help the reader meditate on personal and ethical growth and asks them to think about how the Torah fuses with their own life and how they can then apply the lessons learned to improve themselves and their communities. The Mussar Torah Commentary transforms the Torah into a brilliant and relevant self-help book.

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