
The Non Non­prof­it: For-Prof­it Think­ing for Non­prof­it Success

Steve Roth­schild
  • From the Publisher
March 7, 2013
Non­prof­it lead­ers know that solv­ing per­va­sive social prob­lems requires pas­sion and cre­ativ­i­ty as well as tan­gi­ble results. The Non Non­prof­it shares the same busi­ness prin­ci­ples that dri­ve the world’s best com­pa­nies, show­ing how they can (and should) be applied to the realm of non­prof­its. Steve Roth­schild per­son­al­ly crossed sec­tors when he left cor­po­rate Amer­i­ca to found Twin Cities RISE!, a high­ly suc­cess­ful pover­ty reduc­tion pro­gram. His hon­est sto­ry, and suc­cess and mis­steps, cre­ate an essen­tial roadmap for any social ven­ture look­ing to prove and boost its impact.

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