
The Tri­al of Adolf Hitler

  • From the Publisher
May 16, 2017

On the evening of Novem­ber 8, 1923, the thir­ty-four-year-old Adolf Hitler stormed into a beer hall in Munich, fired his pis­tol in the air, and pro­claimed a rev­o­lu­tion. Sev­en­teen hours lat­er, all that remained of his bold move was a trail of destruc­tion. Hitler was on the run from the police. His career seemed to be over.
The Tri­al of Adolf Hitler tells the true sto­ry of the mon­u­men­tal crim­i­nal pro­ceed­ing that fol­lowed when Hitler and nine oth­er sus­pects were charged with high trea­son. It was this tri­al that thrust Hitler into the lime­light, pro­vid­ed him with an unprece­dent­ed stage for his dem­a­goguery, and set him on his improb­a­ble path to power.

Based on tri­al tran­scripts, police files, and many oth­er new sources, The Tri­al of Adolf Hitler is a grip­ping true sto­ry of crime and pun­ish­ment — and a haunt­ing fail­ure of jus­tice with cat­a­stroph­ic consequences.

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