
The War of the Itchy Balls and Oth­er Tales From Brook­lyn: A Half-Life Memoir

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2019
The world is a mess. I thought it need­ed a book that was fun and easy to read. This book is it. It takes you through the tears and ter­rors of child­hood, the mess-ups of mid­dle school, and a raft of stu­pidi­ties that can only come from that swamp called ado­les­cence. You don’t have to be from Brook­lyn to relate to it; you only have to have been 3 – 17 years of age.

While drawn from the author’s neigh­bor­hood, there is a uni­ver­sal­i­ty to the sto­ries. If the book releas­es the read­er’s own mem­o­ries from days gone by, it has suc­ceed­ed in its mission.

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