
The War­rior’s Heart: Becom­ing a Man of Com­pas­sion and Courage

  • From the Publisher
February 24, 2014
In this adap­ta­tion of his best-sell­ing book, The Heart and the Fist, Eric speaks direct­ly to teen read­ers, inter­weav­ing mem­oir and inti­mate sec­ond-per­son nar­ra­tives that ask the read­er to put them­selves in the shoes of him­self and oth­ers. Read­ers will share in Eric’s evo­lu­tion from aver­age kid to globe-trav­el­ing human­i­tar­i­an to war­rior, train­ing and serv­ing with the most elite mil­i­tary out­fit in the world: the Navy SEALs. Along the way, they’ll be asked to con­sid­er the pow­er of choic­es, of mak­ing the deci­sion each and every day to act with courage and com­pas­sion so that they grow to be tomorrow’s heroes. Sure to inspire and motivate. 

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