
Thieves of Paris

  • From the Publisher
September 1, 2021

In the his­tor­i­cal thriller Thieves of Paris, dar­ing Max St. Denis, ex-sol­dier, ex-thief, vows to steal back from the Nazis a beloved Roth­schild paint­ing entrust­ed to his care. But he needs the help of Rose Val­land, the only French per­son in the depot for Nazi loot, and beau­ti­ful Han­nah Kiesler, a Hun­gar­i­an Zion­ist. At first, they refuse their help, until he com­mits his brav­ery and wits to a wider cause. He helps Rose doc­u­ment Nazi theft, main­ly from Jew­ish own­ers. Against the ever-increas­ing Jew­ish Statutes that dis­pos­sess the rich, throw the mid­dle-class out of work, and round up impov­er­ished Ortho­dox immi­grants, he takes on dan­ger­ous mis­sions. Arrayed against his cause are the thiev­er­ies of Paris — in Hitler’s orders, Goering’s avarice, Vichy French laws that pau­per­ize Jews, and neigh­bors’ casu­al thefts from miss­ing Jew­ish neigh­bors. Instead of feel­ing shame for his steal­ing, Max now goes for high stakes: to become the best thief in Paris, snatch­ing endan­gered Jews from depor­ta­tion to Auschwitz.

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