
Three Across: The Great Transat­lantic Air Race of 1927

  • Review
By – January 19, 2012
This excit­ing non­fic­tion book invites the read­er to wit­ness the ear­ly days of avi­a­tion his­to­ry by relat­ing the sto­ry of the transat­lantic flight that made Lind­bergh a house­hold name. Although many of today’s stu­dents may know who Charles Lind­bergh was, the infor­ma­tion about the oth­er pilots who attempt­ed the transat­lantic cross­ing is not well-known. The fact that one of the avi­a­tors involved, Charles A. Levine, was Jew­ish pro­vides the only Jew­ish con­tent in this grip­ping sto­ry. The third adven­tur­er in this 1927 race across the Atlantic for a $25,000 prize was the famous explor­er, Richard Byrd. This well-researched sto­ry has all the adven­ture of a nov­el, but all the facts are doc­u­ment­ed and the text is sprin­kled with archival pho­tos and copies of telegrams and news­pa­per head­lines. Although the Juda­ic con­tent is thin, this book is an excel­lent exam­ple of non­fic­tion writ­ing and is high­ly rec­om­mend­ed. Ages 9 – 13.
Susan Dubin was the first librar­i­an hon­ored with a Milken Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion Jew­ish Edu­ca­tor Award. She is the owner/​director of Off-the-Shelf Library Ser­vices and library instruc­tion­al con­sul­tant at Val­ley Beth Shalom Day School in Enci­no, CA.

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